Hello, fabulous human. I certainly hope you’re well! Thank you greatly for stopping by.
It’s likely we’ve been historically acquainted and may’ve even, at one time, been conceivably friendly. If this is the case, then “it’s so good to see you once again,” and if not, then it’s wonderful to meet you!
My name is Matthew Bell and welcome to Beltchat.com. Here you’ll find only the finest historiographical discourse regarding biblically-fashioned waist accessories. Not really, but the Bible Belt is whence spawned my anthropological perception of our species, which largely perpetuates my compositional frivolities. It is thus subliminally relevant. But what is this so provocative realm?
Well, the Bible Belt’s fantastical with magical perceptions of the Universe and other things miraculously around it: like “shoes—and ships—and sealing wax—“like Dorudontinae and Australopithecus. The Planet’s also very young and has seen a mighty flood. Our ancestors have scarcely changed, but are rather dust and ribly. Here is where I’ve dwelt so long—beyond a quarter century—that I think and look a lot like all those humans all around me—‘Merica!
And now, a story . . .
The tumultuous reality of 69 is that, which any historian can confirm, focusing strength on either end is occupationally tricky. So, to minimally convolute our cerebratory potential, we’ll abandon Rome, but just for now, and hang out in Alaska . . . well, Arizona. This is:
Keepsake part one:
Kaga’s Achak
“The wise hear them and grow in wisdom; those with understanding gain guidance.”
– Proverbs 1:5
“Take the breath of the new dawn and make it part of you. It will give you strength.
– Hopi saying
“Love to his soul gave eyes; he knew things are not as they seem. The dream is his real life; the world around him is the dream.”
-Michel de Montaigne